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Raising up missionaries to build the Kingdom of God through teamwork

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Payer for the Church

Some time ago, God spoke to our Pastor, about having a time of fasting, all throughout the month of May, starting Friday evening and ending Saturday evening.
We've been challenged to seek God's face and pick an hour, during this time, when to pray for our Church. Everyone of us chose to give up on something they love doing and that would be the thing they're fasting from. For instance, some chose to fast from food, others by not watching TV, others computer, others thoughts, and so on.
Last week was the first time we did this as a Church, and we all felt the benefits, not only during the sermon, but during the praise and worship, during prayer and not least in our relationships with one another.
Here are some of the things we bring before the Lord:

- To see born again Orthodox Christians in Cluj and in Romania

- For our loved ones that we want to see saved

- For disciples, not multitudes that are just amazed by miracles. For people that we can invest in, like Paul did with Timothy.

- At least one baptism in our Church this year

- Healthy relationships and unity between the people that come to the Church

- Emotional healing and spiritual restoration

- Church services that honor Jesus and allow the Holy Spirit to be present

- For every message that we hear each Sunday, to be inspired by the Holy Spirit that would bring lasting fruit in the lives of those that listen to it

- For spiritual growth and maturity in our relationship with God

We know that we ask these things for God's glory and not for our own vanity, we come before Him not in our own merits but in The mighty Name of Jesus and so we have every right to believe that the things we are asking for will be given to us.


For those of you that decided to pray for the Church, here's a schedule for 8Th/9Th of May. Try to also bring before the Lord the person that is after you and try to encourage him/her by sending a text message or an e-mail, or however God is leading you.
May God bless you all and strengthen your faith.

Philippians 4:6
Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

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